Monday, 24 August 2015

                                the hunt for Clarity  :  an Inspector  (re) calls

You see, at the HMI, our mission is a hunt for Clarity.
Let me provide you with this especial example.
I visited a school recently - name unknown - where there was this particular teacher I was determined to investigate ;  a teacher, ?shall we say, in dire need of  "straightening out".
Well, what with the morning rush-hour being a bit-of-a-bear, and the hotel breakfast
being born(e) of a dog, I was, shall?we say, running a tad later than anticipated.
As i precipitated myself with some alacrity down the school corridor, I was impeded
by a mele'e of youngsters attending some asbo-gathering in all likelihood, or some
fat-boot-camp  or some such, no doubt.
Anyhoo, I approached the children in the manner dictated by our training:
   " ! Out of my way, you fucking retards ! " said I, with clear intent and precise diction.
As they stood (there) open-mouthed, I noted  ( to self)   that that is exactly the reason
those kind of people get called those things in the first place.
They slummocked sufficiently for me to squeeze by them, and i located ny 'target'
already engaged in lesson-mode; not-best=pleased to see me, !have no doubt, 
and me  not-in-the-best-of-moods.
Nevertheless, drawing on my own, personal experiences of best practice, 
and recalling the recent, corridor entanglement, I enjoyed some success in setting
the teacher 'straight'.
As we say, all is Clarity; Clarity is all.

Kliston Meeny, HMI Off-Stood,  was  speaking  in     
                                          I said  NOW !! ", the magazine for the teacherCeleb.,
as part of the series:
    Our tymes in orifice : Wars won and two      -   MENKL NOSEYIT / TONI YESMENKL  eds.

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