Sunday, 7 February 2016
Jean Mountebank Terry : So let me get this straight ?! right You have all the carrickters on this
other planet ?yeah .. oh Sinnerman .. Sinymatt..
Jean Hackman-Loyne : Sinemetyklon
JMT : yeah and there all dodgin' & weavin' and duckin' & divin'
'y know wot I meen ?yeah .. ..
JH-L : No but . .
JMT : . and anyhoo there all worshipin at the feat of this russian-oil-gangsta . Koment Yeltsik .. or . .... . wotnot
JH-L : Komen Yeltsin .. and He was . is . . their prophet actually
JMT : Well profit or no he was a bit of loser wasn't he ? ! right
I meen the Stoners were well well-and-truly kippered
by Melenys crowd ?yeah! .
but the point is .. the point is that all of this that 'appens finally
the big meat .. that that 'appens at this 'otel .. Kelog ! summat
JH-L : Kelostemy Inn, yes.
JMT : witch if i'm rite and I'm not rong .. this Inn .. innit ?
. . its . . its . .
JH-L : It's on Earth, yes.
JMT : witch all meen then that theres .. . . theres . . all them aliens ..
JH-L : The story may just be apocryphal, you realise.
JMT : Its a pack of summat your not wrong there Jean
butt never the least . .I . .. I . .
JH-L : ,, . Can I stop you there, Jean Mountebank ?