Saturday, 30 March 2013

                       31 / 3 / 13   /   1 / 4 / 13 :   the storey unfold
                                                       ( from      more songs about buildings & Koo )    
                                                                                                                              Jean Hackman / Koostalkinghead

Okay, so  let's keep this simple,  ?shall we 
15 months or so ago  -   see  Thoughts of Koo, Dec18, 2011 -    The PapalKonklave of Kelostemy Inn  
-  that's me jeanHackman,  Pasta(Pastor) Henry Frog,  the doc  etal. -    we put our Heads together
2try2 put an end to the  ''croak-and-dagger'  wor(l)d of the Cloth :    ! No more corruptery-criminalizey-cockmongery,  let's say . .. !   Let's welcome in  instead   an era of  Transparency,  where churches
the world over could come clean;  so smoke&mirrors  be consigned to the past.
In this groove  (and using Tabloids for fuel )  we light a fire     .   ...   and wait        .   .. .        .     and wait
 . ..  crickle-crackle/mirrorcracked/sun down/sun  back  . .  we wait   15 months  for the black smoke to turn
white,  and for the new pope's name to b emblazoned across wispy-winteryspring skies  . .
As  ISEKLEEN  -  note the name! -  as  ISEKLEEN  slushed to its soggy-froze end      and    KOILKLEEN
emerge from its slumba, we (theKonklave) had simplified-nay-purified  not just Faith  but  The Seasons  2boot
Thereby giving back to  Righteousbelief  the wings usurped by the devilAngel             .
Accordingly  a bird,  a suitably-sooted  bird  would be cullspared, and,  lulled  by  the  law  of the  lord ,
therein  aloud2fly.
Thus,  in advising that the nextbigthing/new pope be a bird -  *  and please note  that we do not refer here  to  no
                                                              -  see     ThoughtsofKoo, 2012
..  (thus) ..   in advising that the new/next popething be a bird,  we had sought the advice of
The Palindromic GoodooG   who, in InfiniteWisdom,  introduce  initially the bird K -  that is  the bird  KooK   ..  followed by  the  bird OO  . . finally settling on the next best thing,    the bird  Koo         a pigeon .
     ( a white dove  (unnamed) was put forward  temporarily  but  ultimately turned down  due  to its association 
       with jonathanKing)
So   because Faith  was now all above bored  (that is  stinkinglyclean-fundametallyfair-whiterthanwhite )
-  and all about bird -  we decided   deliberately   to set Koo  a challenge:
   A task, ruse, trick (implied ) ;  a little white lie  (which)  supply falsehood and,  more,  downright Untruth   .        
           (H)ere  palindromic GoodooG  welcome its sis-kin, anagramikDogoGoo which had Kelostemy Inn
  stuffed full of weezy-wannabee poets -  ill-conceived, ill-starred, ill-mannered       or  just  plain  ill,
butt all of whom felt  K.I. in their bones, eg.  IN MY SKELETON ...SMOKEY LINNET    etc.etc.  .  ..     .
And ?what was the blag(s) played out on the bird  ?!                       This/These :
                              Koo told by The Doc  one year left to live      -   RUSE
                                       TheEndOfTheWorld  is   Nye                         -   RUSE
                                       Capitalism crisis / Fascism by stealth          -   RUSE
                                       Allen Kar (ChattyMan),  rustleBrand,
                                       jimdavidson  win joint-Baftas  for their
                                       new triplecomedyact: The Neo 3 Stooges      -  RUSE
                                      SymonKleenit abandon Britain'sGotTalons
                                      in disgrace  after an illisit affair with
                                      ...  and  The Holy !SI'' !   runs a riddle:
                                     Q ?: What is the difference betwixt
                                              illicit            and                    illegal
                                     A! :  illicit   is   against the law
                                                           is      a sick bird                              -  RUSE
                                     kim jong-IL did not die from avian flu 
                                     but because she had been exposed
                                     masquerading as a venture capitalist              -  RUSE
                                     Rolf Harris misses Koo's beheading
                                     and this b all down,  sport,  to   RH's
                                     desire2spend ( more ) time with His
                                     favorite marsoopials                                           -  ROOS
                                     as  (the)Kammerleg  shockingly   split
                                     Waynerooney-joeybartoN  take up 
                                     joint roll  of  kultureSecretary/ies                  -  ? !! ?
                            !?  Whose story r we about2hear . ..
                                     is about to unfold . . as    aYearintheLoafof 
                                     told thro the vehicle of jeanhackman
                                     but  in the capacity of  HisHoohoohooliness
                                                                             ( thePope )   . ! .. ?       -  KOOs




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