Monday, 1 April 2013

                                                                                                 sun. march 31  -  mon. april 1   2013

                THE HOLY  ! SI'  ! 

When the Konklave met all those many moons ago at Kelostemy Inn
we knew then - the Community knew - that as the black smoke billowed, mellowed into pillow-whiteness, that it was communicating thus the march of HumanHistory so far; that we were communing there with something sientifik, beyond Science even.
And so prescient was it that we recognise in that white smoke  the magical, 
the mystical . .
Oh! we could bang on about the blackwhite-whiteblack smoke trippin' us, slippin' us, jackin' off in its unholy task to cause us flack, to induce in us all (!and wholly so) our first, folly-floundered heart attack ;
as when the smoke drifts, shipshape, into the form of keithchegwin
- Cheggers Plays Pope -    or the white dove - UnaPalomaBlanca,  jonathan king 
But we know, don't we?, the Community, the Konklave, we all know this trickery, this frippery,   and when the smoke present to us finally  as 
the pigeon Koo, we know (as we've always known ) that this be The Birdpope,
our next Hoohoo(hoo)liness       .


                      if exit thus of  Papal C
                                                      arrival such of  Holy Si'  . .          ...
                                                                                      if  all  of  this  b     He
                                                                                                   then  oo ? the  fuck  r  we    (?eh)
                                                                                                          ?oo    the  fuck  r  we  

                                                       if the StreamofconsciousNess flow into LochofconsciousNess
                                                                                             and the Monster of LochofconsciousNess
      began life as the Monster in the StreamofconsciousNess   . ...       .
                                                      if all of this is true
                                                                                  then oo?  the  fuck  r  U                                          ( ?   eh)
                                                                                      ?    oo    the  fuck  r  U
                                                                                                 Sien Komently

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