Thursday, 30 November 2017

And then Ms Kolee ?Ynnit said : weve not done so bad ?y'know since our first show when just a man and a dog showed up       
And Professor Sikment Loyne said nothing.
And then ?Ynnit said : cuz by the next time wed got otis & tosi there   and bill murray showed up ?rememba   with that mate 
?yknow  that karakter who go thro' the same day again and again  
as a dog ....oh  yeah  . . spaniel day lewis  ! innit    
And Loyne said nothing.
And then ?Ynnit said :  and soon peeps are literaly floodin in to our shows   and sudenly audience figures have gone thro' the woof
And Loyne said nothing.

                                          taken from 
                                          AND THIS IS WHAT WAS SAID
                                           Yomti Kennels
                                                                                            YeSilentMonk & Nostlikeymen


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