?Y : !O(h) you aint 'eard the news have you Prof ? shirley otherwise you wooden still have a face like a slapped 'orse
L :
?Y : its been on FoxRoundTheKlox plus HouseyHousey the noo
internet station coming from the Palace you must have caught it ?! sikment
L : Well unless you tell me, Ms ?Ynnit, that the human race has been given a stay of execution in being put out of its interminable misery after Ye-Olde-Farte and Kimmy Long-One owned up to their secret love affair
or that Pat Riarchy is a dead duck now that Riarchy
has renounced Catholicism and all children called Pat;
unless you can tell me that, Ms ?Ynnit, then ! well
?Y :
L : So what's the news ? ! please advise pray
?Y : well Gods been listening to my suplements afty all I can't believe it cant believe you dunt know it neither
it's Ted been given a night-hood-MBE
TED ! for cristsake i tell ya
L : !?Bundy ? ! Rogers
?Y : Nah Sheerdan stoopid! Ted Sheerdan ! got an MBE ?didnt it? WAH!OO u really !? aint 'erd ?
L : No. The Nursery Nonce wasn't delivered today due to inclement weather
?Y :
L : Look!, I'm really pleased for you of course but before
you get too carried away, Kolee, I should warn you that your
much admired 'MBE' is more malignant than you might give it credit for; it may not be all its cracked up to be
(and by this I don't mean some six-year-old recipient
going against protocol, stroking the Prince's cheek,
then inserting the insignia up somewhere insurmountable)
?Y : i dont believ you Sik !! first of all Prince was never
nighted neitha dead nor alive imho
and third he werent no royal thats for shirley
butt beside that i find your attitude re royalty
both specialy and in general well a tad disrespectful tbph
L : mmH!Mmm of course ?Y, you do know what the akro MBE
actually stand for, I presume, and it's got abso nothing to do with Ted Sheerdan being a 'Member'.
But it is part & parcel of another story, a much bigger story,
a personal s
?Y : well just shuthefukup! and gerron'wi'it then
I aint a clue as2wot yer bangin' on abutt tbah
so juss give us yer story !will'ya ?yeah
(s)O(!h) do tell - prey
where Sikment Loyne (Prof. ) tell Kolee ?Ynnit ( Ms.)
the real meaning of the MBE
as well as its and his own relationship to Ted Sheerdon
( and the Doc look on
in case anything go wrong )
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