Saturday, 31 December 2011

fri, 30/12          

           Luis Suarez, you have your uses! 
 he have faults     not shooting straight
   for sure          ! maggie  could help iron
                                         that one out
                                                                            FRI.  DEC 30

           THE HOLE TOOTH

Thatcher !Gotcha watcher

Margaret (Hilda) Thatcher, better known perhaps as Dame Grand Cross of the Croatian Grand Order of King Dmitar Zvonimir, has spoken candidly about her controversial decision as PM to sink the cruiser Belgrano during the 1982 Falklands War:
      All the hoo-ha then made me cross, so very cross. . .  (though) .. I must admit that at that moment in time I might not have been thinking quite as straight as HMS Conqueror's aim.  So when the 'Conk' hit the General (Belgrano) I was somewhat miffed, to be perfectly honest;  I was specifically saving that torpedo for Liverpool.

 THURS.  29/12


       Bouazizi        barrow boy  bold
 set stall sweetly      body burned ;
Word    willed    whirled (word-willed world)
                          YESEM & MESEY KLINTON

in the fairy tale, the anti-hero Juan Norse set up a new settlement known as a Juan Norse town 
                          I could have been some juan
                    .  . .Well so could any juan
                                 MacColl / MacGowan


Wed. Dec 28

Read Weightless Kipper:How to beat the rap by Lt.Monkiesyne:
  .. His name is Bradley.  In the military.  Arrest (they say) is hisstory..
                                                                ...         What was,  is,    always will be.
!Hmm, food for thought, I said to the Doc on returning the piece.

With conversation on Bradley Manning too uncomfortable,
we turned instead to the carefully-murmured coronary of
The Duke of Edinburgh and the carelessly-whispered
(near)tragedy of George Michael - both attended by the Doc,
apparently. Taking a deep breath, the Doc intoned:
Like an episode of  Family Guy, now is his time.
The Doc wouldn't be drawn further.

Wanted to talk more about my 'poetic condition',
and the shoppers shot in the sales. The Doc, however,
jumpered up so as to resemble Uncle Monty in Withnail and I,
growled: Now is not the time.
  tues, 27/12

     state cookbook
!find friends of freedom
 freeze 'em      seize 'n  bring to boil
                          chuck 'em in the can!

US Traitor trial: the case of ChickenLittle v TheHeroBradleyManning
                         The sky aint fallen
         and the sky aint now falling
         and the sky won't fall

    case M :  bradley Meet george
          Manning mouth Michael :
  bugged buggered yankee hero
                             be WarelessKipper(ed.)
Tues.   27/12

?have you heard the word:
   that badass bird bright betrothed to billy bloke besistered by that bird
      with belting butt has butted-rebutted but badmouthed by the big bird
          who bepoodled beheading the holeblood kaboodle not yet bestirred
but belchmouthed badtickered git pricked to tick off badass bit biting words
                                    'cos she won't shoot birds
          what you mean?? she won't shoot birds
                            'cos she won't shoot birds


Friday, 30 December 2011

MON 26/12

notes on A Spaceman Came Travelling  by ChrisDeBurgh
                 De Burgh sing his thing:
                                      A Spaceman Came Travelling
                                               has deeper meaning.
               for in DeBurgh's mind
                                        it gives us the chance to find
                                                 a superior kind.
                 of course.                                                ! la   la   la
                                     la    la   la   la   la   la   la
                         la   la   la   la   la   . . . . . .               (singing)
                                                                la   la   la   la   la
                                 la   la   la   la   la   la   la
                      la   la   la   la   la !   ....            (ad inf/etcetc/etaletal)
                                        KLISTON MEENY

        christmas had  moments in spades.
                    my drunk skunk whipped me at Hearts.
                                                                              then got laid.
                MOE LYTENSKIN
                           MELONY STINKE

 SUN.  25/12
                          the Doc's speech (2011)
...  . .  i'm reminded of the words of Kliston Meeny in
 The Temperature & The Temperament (Sonney&NonseyKlimet) ....
               doc  ?whats it all mean
           no, i MEAN   ?whats it all mean
               Doc          ?what's it all mean  
                   Sun.  25.12.11
The BBC would love to apologise for its recent and significant mistake.
On BBC 1 this morning, SongsOfPraise will be showing the latest in their series TheBigSing (Aled Jones)
and NOT  The Big Sink , as previously indicated.
To viewers expecting to see Christopher Plummer (Captain VonTap,
TheSoundOfMusic ) doing Walking in the air, dressed as a giant plug,
and a chained Kate Winslett miming Gavin Bryars'  Raising the Titanic  ..
.. we can't apologise enough.     ! Sorry  !

Sat., Dec 24
                     THE DAILY SKUNK
            PhilTheGreek: 'Heart scare' leak

                        According to Tickerleaks
                    the Queen has now tweaked her speech
                                       to say this:                
                   To be honest, he'll (the Duke) be scared
                                           you'll be scared
                                  but we're bloody terrified!
                             Now he's found he's got a heart
                         who?knows what shit's goin' to come
                                         from his mouth!!

Fri. 23 / 12

                 The western press respond to the life and death of Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi  
                                     kernel is a nut 
                  kernel is a nut        ! YAHOO !
                kernel was a nut
                      IN MY SKELETON

 Thurs.       22/12/11

                   Chaplin comic freeze
         boldly busk in modern chimes,
                       chinking-winking breeze.

                                museum needin words and birds
                widgeon  -  wintering wader -
                 hang hovering ,          tellingly
                                    tied in  time
            YINN ME KLOSET         KLONES IN TYME

Thursday, 29 December 2011


       still solstice     still         (21/12)

Autumn automatically                        bison       polar bear
      whip in wistful winter                                         and cow  have flings.    and suffer
                 melancholy                                    bi-polar moo(e)d swings
SONNEY&NONSEY KLIMET                               KEYNN TO SMILE

FROG:   Hello ! Koo.  Good to see you again.   You're looking much ... I did hear . . . !sorry.
KOO :    Good days bad days, y'know.  Thanks for your concern.  But we're not here to talk about me.
FROG:   No ...  though my position is as was.
KOO :    So you're saying that your  vision  no longer holds.
FROG:   Look, it came in different light . . under different auspices ...
KOO :    Then a prophecy is not a prophecy after all.
FROG:   Well, we can alll be wise after the event, can't we?   I mean,?had you given serious consideration
             to 2012 being a leap year
KOO :   Yes ...  I guess  ..  I have now.
FROG:  Exactly.
KOO :   Don't think me churlish but surely the 'leap year factor' is insignificant here? 
FROG:  Significant enough.
KOO :   ? Is that not for us to judge
FROG:  There is only ONE Judge, Koo, you know that. . . .
                          On that note,  Pastor Frog leaves the room abruptly,  muttering  Eddie Stobart !  under his breath  

Wed. Dec 21 :  More Solstice

   my demise surmise                         beat the Mayans, beat theFrog,                
me miss solstice's ice mitts,                beat myself, wife, kids, skunk, kat
 santa's sanctioned claws                              (!and the dog)
  ISE T / LEMON YNK                   YOMTI  KENNELS

                    THE DAILY SKUNK


     Self-styled leader, Henry Frog,
              Church of the NatterjackToad :
                                      !! NOT MY FAULT !! . . .
                                   . . .  . ! They should have warned me
                                               it was a leap year
                                                  'fore I made my prophecy!

             THE HOLE TOOTH

For those at a loss on why I'm now a prophet, let me fill you in:
School memories aside  .. memories abide ..  trauma begat evangelism.

Well, it was all down to traumatic schooldays, really.  Like being forced to play 'leapfrog'.  They'd say: ?You playing leapfrog! and of course I thought they literally meant 'leapfrog'.  But what they really meant was:     ! You playing  LEAP!, Frog ? 
Which is somehow different.  Especially when the game of  LEAP!  involved concrete cows and EddieStobart juggernauts.         
Another activity I got 'involved' in was  being deFrogged , which helped to condition me for later life.  So I became an evangelist.

Pastor Henry Frog          Ross on Wye
                                    Wed.,  Dec. 21
              sorry! cant make the end of the world  -  ?when is it again
                          Henry Frog get word from God:
          !Don't waste dosh on xmas nosh
               Let us quote:
            Church of the NatterjackToad
                              THE MAYAN BOOGLE
                    ! Endo Mundek   ?     Quanko ?Essek
                     all things planet elf
                       roons  toons  proons  loons    big balloons :
                                                   21 . 12.  12
                       Dec. 20    (later)

             Kim Jong       Kim Jong   IL
             We told U  Kim Jong was IL
                    ( !sing it now u will )
             Kim Jong       Kim Jong   IL
             We told U  Kim Jong was IL
                       (... aletaletal ....)

                 POETS KORNER  (MK 2) :
            dearest Koo,  get better !  soon
          (X)    ! WE LOVE YOU !     (X)
       Kolee ?Ynnit(Ms);  Oli Semen-Kynt;  Symon Kleenit;
         Mikel E Sonnyt;   Slim Keynnote;   Kim Slontynee;
         Ise T / Lemon Ynk . . . .       (etaletal)

                              ( ?! what a damned blessed relief !? ) 


   Autumn end
Hi ! Koo   ?How's yourself
The Doc's manner ?   Heaven sent
                    with bedstink of death. 
Koo's an assumed name,
      picked up from some fashion mag
               in moments spare,  sane.
    But when madness strike,
there's Koo    cutting off his phone
                to spite his friends, right?
And in avoiding
          human contact he turns to
                        ringing pigeons' necks.
    Koo!! You're so funny
 but sit back, chill !       face    smile    wipe
        I've got this to say:
                           If I tell you I love you
                        and I always will . . . .
              (speak the Doc to Koo)
 ... paws    Antony and The Johnsons
  Koo reply, bird-like
     pause        It looks bad !? don't it
Eye to eye, limp-stiff,
    Koo get news.       All things equal,
              one year left to live


Dear Koo
I'm writing you in the event that you fail to turn up tomorrow. 
Or that I've sought Antony Hegarty's advice and become a bird.
Either way, this letter or our meeting is deemed to cause us sorrow.
Well, I can't help that; one can't erase the pain contained in such sad words.
You see, Koo, I'm a doctor, not a banker, I don't do misery well.
For misery, like money, must end itself, not be an end in itself.
Wiser be the fool on the hill than the tool of the fool on the till !
And this fool, my friend, has in the end to address the state of your health.
Is it better to be told by mistake that one has a year to live?
Than to be told unerringly that one has only 6 months to live?
I'm reassured by this thought: Such bleakness won't be so out of the blue.
I mean, you've been trying to kill yourself for as long as I've known you. . . .
We can't say if your condition is mental or physical, tis true.
But it may be lyrically poetic, precisely syllabic too.
Thus as I aim to feel what you feel, so my words will breathe as yours breathe.
(Although, in times of respite, sounds ripe for the damned too easily become sound bites for the dumb, where we have to guard against the oversimplification of Form telling Content to fuck itself, or Content dragging Form along by its jackboot straps, and instead ensure a true and blissful union twixt them Both.)
So my words can breathe as yours do but only whilst we do still draw breath.
And there, my friend, be life ... and death  ..  until tomorrow;  I take my leave.
The Doc