Thursday, 29 December 2011


       still solstice     still         (21/12)

Autumn automatically                        bison       polar bear
      whip in wistful winter                                         and cow  have flings.    and suffer
                 melancholy                                    bi-polar moo(e)d swings
SONNEY&NONSEY KLIMET                               KEYNN TO SMILE

FROG:   Hello ! Koo.  Good to see you again.   You're looking much ... I did hear . . . !sorry.
KOO :    Good days bad days, y'know.  Thanks for your concern.  But we're not here to talk about me.
FROG:   No ...  though my position is as was.
KOO :    So you're saying that your  vision  no longer holds.
FROG:   Look, it came in different light . . under different auspices ...
KOO :    Then a prophecy is not a prophecy after all.
FROG:   Well, we can alll be wise after the event, can't we?   I mean,?had you given serious consideration
             to 2012 being a leap year
KOO :   Yes ...  I guess  ..  I have now.
FROG:  Exactly.
KOO :   Don't think me churlish but surely the 'leap year factor' is insignificant here? 
FROG:  Significant enough.
KOO :   ? Is that not for us to judge
FROG:  There is only ONE Judge, Koo, you know that. . . .
                          On that note,  Pastor Frog leaves the room abruptly,  muttering  Eddie Stobart !  under his breath  

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