Thursday, 28 February 2013

    @ the bbc 
  they tries to put all the bollocks behind  'em.      
                                on discovering that john steinbeck still has the capability of writin' a good 'ole  page-turner
                                despite bein' 6 foot under,  they commissions him to write  a follow-up to the 60's TV series
                                BONANZA :

                        The Grapes of Hoss

          episode 1

       Adam Cartwright :     !  ?Wot u got in yer pants, son
       Little Joe               :     Hoss' grapes ,   pa    !    Hoss' grapes
       Adam Cartwright :      Ur sayin' u've got yer brothers grapes in yer cottonpickin' pants     ?
       Little Joe           :    !Yep siree
        Adam Cartwright :     Oh  !   I see  

                    the gripes of (Boo)hiss                   ( a BooRadleys / hiss holinesss prod.)

     (mis)understandins  abound about the Kammerleg(PM) (and matters related):  

1.  when the Folks-with-Money writ to us and asked whether i/we'd be intrested in making
     Titanik II,  they thort we was james cameron
2.  we didnt realise they was bangin on about a  real  boat, but thought it was to do with
     producing a sequel to the film  Titanik                                              innit
3.  we misread  Titanik II  (TWO) as  Titanik 11 (ELEVEN )  !!   (wich  in popular culture, a.k.a
                                                                                                         OH!SHIT?ELEVEN!!  )
4.  on a count of this  we deside to in vest all our energy to makin  10!TEN)  sekwels 
     to the orijinal film,  which was  kwite 'ard work                      innit
     partic 'cos  Katie & Leo were busy shoppin     so this ment me and Him/ theKammerleg (PM)
     had to do everything ,   ink. (the)Acting.

5.  in making 10 follow-ons, we 'av2 do katie & leo's love scene 10 diferent times (!at least )
     and in 10 different cars - so as to hold onto some continuity with the orijinal.
     Thus,  as a minimum, mum's mini might do, then there's Kolee's 2CV,  Jurgen's (Klinsman) VW Beetle, 
     the Popemobile  (of curse!)  .  ...   
6.  again - quite 'ard work,  him and Me being conjoinedatthegroin twins ! 'n all
7.  Kammerleg aside,  ther are just 3 principal charachters  in  Titanikthemovies:
     TighterNik ;  LooserNik ;  ArserNik
8.  there aint no iseberg in the seaquell(s).   insted, the boat hits an oil tanker in the gulfWar            innit 

9.  we toy with some inventive dialogg:

       -  ! I'm in love with a bookmaker
        -  Well better to be in love with someone who makes books   than someone who writes them
        -  Do you think   ?   Do you really think so
        -  I know so        !
                                                                 -  ! I'm in love with a jockey
                                                                 -  Flat  ? or jumps 
                                                                 -  Don't! be silly,  we haven't gone that far yet  !  We've only known each other 
                                                                    for the duration of this war  .... . this  OH -  SO  - LONG  war  . .. !Oh               (cries)


reprod. c/o
KOLEE ?YNNIT (ms)  -    A Felloe of          ERRR   by   L E A F L I T S  ink. (IT.)!
                                                          Enjoy  Romeing  Round  Roam  (Italy)
                                                                             Lerning  English  As  a  ForthLanguage
                                                                             to  Improvin  Talkin  and  Speekin    !         

NIK  YESMOLTEN                                                                            by kind permission of
                                                                           !SHADDAP-A  U  GRACE  promotions
                                                                           JoeDolceSauces           ink.


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