Friday, 31 May 2013
If Susan Giro ( c1710/1711 - ?) had ever met Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) she would have crushed him - not in her lithe version of herself of course but in her largerthanlife version - when she was four times her original size
and almost as big as Igor's ego
We now know why Susan Giro ended up as The Four Susans
- a result of unrequited love for AntonioVivaldi ( 1678 - 1741 )
Had she ever met (with) Igor Stravinsky she may well have sent him off with a flute in his ear,
just as with AV, berating him with her lash-tongue:
Igor / Antonio, you have not ! composed so many pieces of music indood
you have more2thepoint writ just 1 piece of music somanytimes
Having said that, Vivaldi did create His FourSusans -
to commemorate Susan G, to commiserate with her even ; in so far as He felt something more for her maybe than mere sorrow . .
In IS's case mind you, her vitriolstring carry far less of a punch and eventually,, by May 1913, and Stravinskly's Rite of Spring ... ! Well !! .., as they say in the Seychelles ..
mice can play with cheese to their hearts' content but(t) it take a Rat to break the mould
( from When you've tasted de brie ! you don't want any old rubbish ( LonKitenmyse, Moley's in Kent)
The significance of May 1913 and Strav's Rite of Spring will be considered very soon / anon
For the mo, suffice to say that the significance of the above is, like much necessity born(e) of accident, the result of serious miscommunication(s) betwixt AV and SG ...
in a nut-shell, antoniovivaldi was hanging in the Giro's (Anna & Susan ) desirous-gardenspace ,
when he spoke to susan G.
What He intended to say was NOT what came out of his mouth - being Italian, his English
was sometimes a tad wide of the mark-lira :
Being a MasterofUnderstatement , You've gained a few pounds came out as
You've gained a few ponds
At this punt in the proceedings,
Susan looks at AV, shyly, and then , wryly , cast her glance
from out of the bovindo and into the gardenSpace . ..
Being a mistress-of-overstatement, and a necessary precursor to a hole-hog of latina magica-realistas,
SG throw a first stare at a thirsty and fecundless space, which, a few seconds later, become a place
festooned with ponds
well, a Welter of books have been writ about all-of-this-Shindigaroo, butt we need concern ourselves with
just ONE, which is not really/quite a book as suche, in all honest more like a bok in fact - in that it be wrote in the ONE worthwhile-erstwhile world language known to Man : Afrikaans under the title :
? SIK TINKLEMONEYS EY KLEENOT ( jurgenklinsman!)
which . . roughly translated . .! Can we truly comprehend just how great an artist antonioVivaldi
might well have become had he not had to have de-swamped The Giros
on such a regularbasis ?
(PastaHenryFrog james davidson The doc )
In a pipsqueek, the unrequitedSusanGiro - Heroine of The4Susans - has, thro' a sudden
(yet unexpected) affliction of MMR
( MystikelMagikalRealism
MagnificentMisRepresentation )
not only gained
1. At the end of Maye 2013, the nextnew Pope (francise) hath (an) audience with Aaronspellinge
and learne that all-of-everything witch has happend thus far
is but dream-preparation
2. AS : Well, I could have told you that .. you must lern2truss me more ..
3. n/n/P : its diffikult to trust someone whoi cant spel his name proper ...
4. AS : Hmmm mmmm ! i see
5. n/nP and AS holde a shindigaroo to celebrate the 100 anniversation of IgorStravinskie's
Rite of Spring Variose people be invitede, witch inklude rolfe-harriss jeremie springer
ann wintercombe etc. tho' they do not turne uppe.
antonye Hegartty - Antonye&theJonsons - be deffo-nott invitede butt gatekrashe anyhooo
6. In typikle shindigaroooKerfuffle a Spontaneous rendition of R o S brake oot
witch ende up typiklee in a bust-uppe, reskude only ( ! breefly ) by AH bursting in2
at whiche pointe all helle hath brock loose ! littrallye
7. And thuss aftere 60 dayes of KOILKLEEN hathe past
and as SteveReich in the Afternoone on raydio2 playe in the bakgrounde ,
The next-Newepope - Francise - bekometh ( by mystikle-magikry) a birde
for He transmogrifie into a mog-skaring Pigeon; the Pigeone KOO,
nown henseforthe and foreffermore as PopeKoo -TheHigheKoo / HishoohooHolinesse
( or derivationes thereoffe)
9. As in all-yeeres passed&future, The Foure Susanes - KOILKLEEN SOLKLEEN SLEETKLEEN
ISEKLEEN - worke thro' there 90-Daye skedule ; thus, KOILKLEEN 90 give waye to
SOLKLEEN 1 etc/etal .. /
Howevere, in the Yeare of 2013 at the ende-of-maye , and jussed for oneyear onlye,
KOILKLEEN 60 = KOO 0; & thuss KOILKLEEN 61 = KOO 1 etcetce.
witche goe fulle-sykle so that KOILKLEEN 60 offe the followinge yeer ( 2014 )
be KOO 360
and there it endeth .
10. pSs : none of this stuffe bye-the-waye haththat muche 2do withe me in alle honest.
For this alle be the doinge of the Ladye - SUSAN GIRO
( Her offe the magicke-Toads)
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