Monday, 28 December 2015

     STINKY  OLE'  MEN    
                                               STUFFED      ON          MINCE/

You have to remember, K, that that was hundreds of years ago, when TheRedPriest,
Toni Vivaldi, was busy with all those girls at the  Ospedale della Pieta' 
working on some 500 concerti  or, as one might say,  one concerto 500 tymes.
But by the tyme he met Gyorgy ( Ligeti )  the-avant-gardist, 
the hospital/Ospedale  had run out of food, y'see.
Life was hard then.
Oh I know what you're going to say, K,  that Ligeti came hundreds of years later, 
he couldn't possibly have known Vivaldi.
But how many?voices of authority will be telling you that Gyorgy was ahead of his tyme,
and ?! who are we to say otherwise      !      ?

Of course we were all hungry for Toni's music, his girls ravenous for their Priest, 
but, more than that, everyone was bloody starving, y'know.
Night-times were the worst ; well no-one could sleep for hunger; 
everyone would congregate in the hospital canteen; 
musicians, students, surgeons, midwives et al.
Then there was that (in)famous night when Gyorgy was to undergo polyp surgery.
He'd met up with The Priest to do some free-flow composition, prior to the op,.
but uppermost in their mind was finding something to eat. 
There had been an unexpected food delivery, so suddenly the canteen was heaving,
people trying to get in first  to grab some grub.
Toni was scrimmaging with some midwives for their trays, to get ahead in the melee'.
It wasn't a pretty sight, K,  I can tell you, but in all adversity come  conversity. 
I wrote a song about it, not in my own name of course.
Don't ! be silly, K,  Toni would never stand for that.

Susan Giro  - of  TheFourSusans -  was in conversation with KoToK 
                                                                   about lots of silly-and-sensible things, 
                                                                   including a song she wrote :
                           Glad-It's-Night & The Polyps:  
        (((O)!yes he's)leaning on that) Midwife's Tray with Gyorgy
 taken from
  The Fighting Song Collection / Songs we like to go to war on/with  //
         The art of invading 500 countries   or 1 country  500 tymes
                                     Baroque Obama Kammerleg  (ed.)




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