Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Lance Formaggioso
b 16.10.1661
d 17.01.1720
In 1717, Lance Formaggioso became the first epidemiologist to work out
the link between mosquitoes and malaria .
Given that Lance's middle name was Maria - a cheesy girl's name
which made him see red - and that he was commonly known as La Maria -
it was an obvious leap from there to the study of MaLaria
( and the 'little fellas' )
It was a less obvious leap for him to celebrate his discovery of the
malaria - Culicidae connection with an alfresco, candlelit dinner for thousands
on a clammy, summer's evening in the Mantuan swamplands.
He died just two short years later when he remained estranged from his wife
(Rosa Mosqueta) and his daughter ( Susan.)
b sumtyme in the futurpassd
d ! LOL
In ?1717/1718? Nostlikeymen acheved infamie inn The Candelabra Scandal ( a.k.a The Scandelabra ), inn inncidents innvolving Susan Giro'(amongste otheres) at NewYearesLoste&FoundlingeBash
@ The PietaFesta, Venice Northewater; here thepN dribbel on about
(his) visione o'TheNooSiteeinnTheWeste GrandeSerenitee
In ?2016/2017?, in TheDiscombobulationOfKelostemyInn, He achieve
further infamy, in incidents involving Susan Giro' (amongst others),
forewhiche he know much more than he be prepared to foretell.
Now as before (probably), theprophetNostlikeymen can go(e) by other names such(e) as Tynkelmonies
Susan Giro' ( Susan G )
b 16 ??
d ????
spectre,spook,supernatural,seraph,sprite,sprightliness,sparklehorse,scenesteeler,stirrer,striving stuff,stunt,spunk,stoutheart,substance(or lack of it)
1717 : Windowe Childe / Anna Giro''s 'systa'
Strangely (perhaps), she had a growing interest in and knowledge of the
mozzie -malaria link.
2017 : Wind Girl / Kolee ?Ynnit's 'sista'
Anna Giro'/Giraud ( La Mantovana - The Mantuan Girl )
b ?1700/1701?
d 17 ??
Susan G''s 'halfe-systa'
Prima-donna-mezzo-soprano noted for her close collaboration(s) with Antonio Vivaldi,
in whose household both Anna and Susan resided.
The nature of this triangular relationship has been the source of keen speculation.
Antonio (Tony) Vivaldi
b 04.03.1678
d 28.07.1741
Venetian Baroque composer known as Il Prete Rosso ( in more ways than one )
Key numbers : 4 8 17 & 500 ( in more ways than one )
Close association with telephones on 'hold', clocks, hotel lifts, web browsers, potatoes,
the Giro' girls.
RhineRik Baumeister
b 21.3.1833
d 15.2.1917
German engineer and urbane planner RR Baumeister shot to infamy with his
Venice-Mantua Trench Farago (The VMTF) during The Grape War in 1917;
leading him to co-author ( with RoberToto Traliccio ) one of the earliest texts
on such subject matter : ! The Ragged-Trousered Planner's Pissed
As he lay on his deathtrench, Baumeister foresaw/forswore
a New City in The West, built alonge the lines of V-trenches and H-trenches,
a(n) NC that wood be the envie of Manny
(ref. prob. to Manny Fiesta, Jewish-Italian planner&rival.)
Weirdly( or not), construction on The-Discombobulation-of-Kelostemy-Inn started that very day, nearing completion ANY-TIME-SOON ; a 'curiosity' that would have had RRB swearing under his sawbreath in an instant.
Sikment Loyne (prof.)
b N/a
d N/a
!Nefariously anxious.
About himself.
About Kolee ?Ynnit (ms.)
About Susan ?Ynnit & Susan Giro.
About the essential collapse of TheWesternWorld.
Susan ?Ynnit
b 01.01.2000
d 01.01. 2017 (circled)
Susan was the daughter of Kolee ?Ynnit (ms)
and Wayne Wax, in a half-assed kinda way;
parents she referred to as Bitchy & Scratchy,
Susan's birth and death, as for Mark Twain, carried certain
celestial significance, if not quite as literal.
She died at a knife-throwing party held to celebrate the
17th anniversary of The Millennium.
Susan Tinny
Kolee ?Ynnit (Ms.)
B: 38.05.83
D: at various points of her life, pretty much, especially
meating Wane, being dumped by her councillor (SikmentLoyne),
and having to witness the passing of her daughter Susan.
Altered her name a few times ;
most importantly when she went from Kylie to Kolee
by *dead poll*, on discovering that Kylie Minogue is actually Australian.
* to change one's name by 'dead poll' :
As by deed poll, butt with the involvement of a passed parrot.
Kolee Wax
No information available
Wayne Wax
b ? ?
d ? ?
Troubled/troublesome ex-partner of K?Y(ms.) // Doesnawannabe dad of Susan ?Y /// N O I K (various)
Monday, 27 March 2017
A list visitors to Susan ?Ynnit's bedside
in no especial order :
Ey-list Ennkom
Sleenky Itomn
Setynmone Lik
Moe Litenskyn
Emo Li(y)tensky(i)n
Sikment Loyne (prof.)
Sonik E.Lyment
Kloset Minney
Sokey M'Linnet
Yekil Monnste
Leo/Ole Nitemynks
Steemin Onkyl
Monty ( Le) Sinke
Klyemin Stone
Melonny Tikes
Tynkelmonies / Nostlikeymen
Kolee ?Ynnit (ms.)
characters appearing in THE FOUR SUSANS story
Antonio Vivaldi
Anna Giro'
Susan Giro'
Lance Formaggioso (peripheral to the circular story )
Wayne Wax
Kolee Wax
Kolee ?Ynnit(ms)
Susan ?Ynnit
Susan Tinny
Sikemnt Loyne(prof)
Susan Giro'
RhineRik Baumeister (1917/2017+)
( peripheral to the circular story butt
central to the circular construction
of The Discombobulation of KelostemyInn /
(the)GrandSerenity / SerenitySolutions)
an array of hospital visitors
none of which are called ray
( peripheral to the circular story and
peripheral to Susan ?Ynnit's bed )
Dear Kolee/Sikment/Sonik etal.
Here, as promised, the first of my notes
to help in the construction of your inspirational work.
!Better late than dead ?eh
Gift List
Piled on the gifts' table in South corner of Susan ?Ynnit's hospital room
are the following items :
A half-empty bottle of Prosecco
Lance Formaggioso ( circled 1717 )
A bag of melons
The Sol Kitenmyne Anthology: IN HIS OWN WARTS /
Klyemin Tones pub. / Kitenmyne ed.
A torn copy of The Ragged-Trousered Planner's Pissed
Tressell / Baumeister
An O/S map of The Venice-Mantua Trench Farago
RhineRik Baumesiter ed. ( circled 1917 )
FLOORED SUSAN : An anonymous diary, dated 1717,
detailing a personal life led
in&around Venice&Mantua
&withe&about the composer Antonio Vivaldi.
A pictorial document (signed by RR Baumeister)/(apparently)
of the construction of The-Discombobulation-of-KelostemyInn
in 1917, up to its completion date any-time-soon.
Note : The document's dustcover has been vandalised in order to
hide the document's title, which appears in big letters
on the book itself : ! THAT'S SO LAST CENTURY ffs
Saturday, 11 March 2017
(skittin' on)
by Otis Mykennel
Here's another number for ya ! yer stupidfukkers:
When Nostlikeymen got up a head of steam and exclaimed to an obliferous audience
the 11th Key Number ( 69 ) of seventeen supposed KeyNumbers, we are left to consider the relevance of such numbers.
Well, let's start with number 69 shall we ?! and why ever not:
The unfolding story of TheGiroSisters (Susan/Anna), Tony Vivaldi, Sikment Loyne,
Kolee ?Ynnit(ms), Susan ?Ynnit (Kolee's daughter), Wayne (Kolee's ex ),
Nostlikeymen (tosomeextent), take place, essentially, over two distinct, calendar years
separated by three stinking centuries : 2017 & 1717
Within the calendar year of 2017 - and 1717 too ?!who knows - there are 64 Key Dates, as we now understand. In 2016, the prelewd to events of 2017, there are a further FOUR Key Dates of which we need to take note : August 7 (NationalSistersDay);
December 7 (Kolee&SikDay); December 31/January1/2017 ( Susan ?Ynnit's last days.)
And there be one extra, as yet undisclosed, KeyDate which happen in 2018, the postlewd
to events of 2017.
All of which add up (of course) to 69.
The 11th Key Number.
As previous disgust.
Tuesday March 14 2017 - Daze 13 ( of TheKeyDates )
when prophetNostlikeymen exclaim the 17 KeyNumbers
and Kolee ?Ynnit (Ms.) give the docks a wide berth
! 4 5 7 8 17 20
64 68 432 440 !
! ! NOST LI KEY MEN U said 17
theres only 10 f f s
! ? Who's the fuckin' Prophet here Kolee eh
Who's the fuckin' Prophet ?
when prophetNostlikeymen exclaim the 17 KeyNumbers
and Kolee ?Ynnit (Ms.) give the docks a wide berth
! 4 5 7 8 17 20
64 68 432 440 !
! ! NOST LI KEY MEN U said 17
theres only 10 f f s
! ? Who's the fuckin' Prophet here Kolee eh
Who's the fuckin' Prophet ?
The Professor (Sikment Loyne) found himself still in the bath (again) with the
prophetNostlikeymen for company this time.
It was now March 9, the 12th Key Date of 2017, and the bathwater was at worst tepid
or at best fetid.
The mail conversations being had by Loyne, ?Ynnit(ms.)(Kolee) ( & the prophetNostlikeymen)
had lingered around german umpah longer than jurgenKlinsman in a hofbrauhaus
and was now moving into a tepid-fetid phase.
?Y : the spring eggnogs juss round the corner Sik
L :
?Y : first daze of Spring innit
L : Aaah ! You mean the EQUINOX, I fear, dear-sweet Kol
?Y : you aint enjoyed my springtime sloshmix obviusly then Sik
L : !mmmH(m)m
What with it being KeyDate12 today and with the 'Eggnogs' coming upon us
it's high time we get your story, our story, out there, what's happened so far, what's to come
in the future etc., the story, Kolee, beginning to end so-to-speak: January to December
essentially 2017 1717 To make it intelligible to the diligent; access before excess, K, always
?Y :
L : That's why we have the prophetNostlikeymen to help in this regard. The All-Seer.
My god!woman the Man know everything. Extraordinary as this may sound,
He can even foretell when he's about to 'release' in the bath, so that one can take
evasive act ion ! Hmm!mmM
The Professor (Sikment Loyne) found himself still in the bath (again) with the
prophetNostlikeymen for company this time.
It was now March 9, the 12th Key Date of 2017, and the bathwater was at worst tepid
or at best fetid.
The mail conversations being had by Loyne, ?Ynnit(ms.)(Kolee) ( & the prophetNostlikeymen)
had lingered around german umpah longer than jurgenKlinsman in a hofbrauhaus
and was now moving into a tepid-fetid phase.
?Y : the spring eggnogs juss round the corner Sik
L :
?Y : first daze of Spring innit
L : Aaah ! You mean the EQUINOX, I fear, dear-sweet Kol
?Y : you aint enjoyed my springtime sloshmix obviusly then Sik
L : !mmmH(m)m
What with it being KeyDate12 today and with the 'Eggnogs' coming upon us
it's high time we get your story, our story, out there, what's happened so far, what's to come
in the future etc., the story, Kolee, beginning to end so-to-speak: January to December
essentially 2017 1717 To make it intelligible to the diligent; access before excess, K, always
?Y :
L : That's why we have the prophetNostlikeymen to help in this regard. The All-Seer.
My god!woman the Man know everything. Extraordinary as this may sound,
He can even foretell when he's about to 'release' in the bath, so that one can take
evasive act ion ! Hmm!mmM
Friday, 3 March 2017
MARCH 4th 2017 : DAY 11 of 64 KEY DATES literally writ in stone
( and ) where Kolee ?Ynnit(ms) find herself at the docks ( again)
only to be told by Justice Beak to getthefuckoutta(t)here
before he bang her in the can ( again )
On Day-11-of-the-64-Key-Dates-of-2017 Professor Sikment Loyne found himself
in the bathtub with, for company, just a well-known/popular, organisational bath sponge,
and a not-quite-so-well-known/less popular laptop.
Having a sponge-askance laptop in the bath powered via an extension cable might not have been the professor's soundest idea ever butt then, as he was often heard to say, an electrically-driven bath IS, for want of a better experiment, all it's crack(l)ed up to be. ! Lol ?
Loyne could have contacted her (Kolee?Ynnit(ms.)((of course)) ) by mobile phone.
Except for the nosmallmatter that Loyne for ever refused to carry one - ?remember -
and ?Ynnit's was still in the inquisitive hands of the police - ??remember
So when Sikment's soaksnooze was suddenly arrested by a sultry German Oompah ringtone, the professor was as startled as anyone, conveying this surprise to Kolee, naturally,
firstly via a pre-flurry of flowery farrago, furthering to a fuller flurry of fosphorescent fandango.
Ms ?Ynnit's initial mailed response to Prof. Loyne pretty muche hit the nail on the head
( in a conducive2earlymorningyogakindaway ); it was as enigmatic as it was electric :
? WTF ! U dreem abut german-umpah 2 ** f f s !?!
setting the tone and the scene for subsequent succinctnailheading pretty muche
! im goin' to see wayne sleep soon actualy
shows u wot u know then prof innit !
Thursday, 2 March 2017
In a tyme so long ago
she carry/ied the can,
nourishing stories:
A life different/diffident;
pleasures drawn from darkest well.
! O(h) suche webs we weave
when we practice. Then,
deceived, wi(n)dow child weep (!?)but(t)
will fatal theories.
Under sheltering
sky/ies love freeze, storm-whipped in these
strange, embittered tomes.
Sisters testify,
wired to the prophet sign :
No more tiffs ! or butts
Women suffer then.
Men must suffer too ! So there
g(l)ory - gloria
The Four Susans
Susan Sarongdon
Susan Danyboil
Susan Boy George
Susan Humpsheer
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