Weve had luck at the work sending to you, and it would appear there was a bit unseemly pasages,
nay even the unmanly moments
Ah well, 'appen shit !!
with trust it can only get butter in things. take a brow now and see if you think it
Marj simpson / jean hackman
Juergen amorphous
Thank you! Quotation
I! Far fewer songs. Car, a provider of foreclosure, Sorry!
Poor accountability and Koo.
Exposure SchlieBlichKoo scene! The typical offer for sale, works, and I came to the Prophet.
- The use of knowledge in knitting for the war
He was buried in darkness. ! (Consultation)
No body! Evidence (even, but not YouTube)
There, Maria May, when can I say? Aberman mussmir target
I Weaver, בסקריפטוריום Juergen cm at a distance? I represented the Church of Santa Maria
His mother, president Heber, jump, I always jump.
However, a nurse, less salt, making them first!
OneStopShop : long neck.
Scio, rather than 70. At the same
This issue may occur to my Creator? If I wanted to Friend
When I say that especially dear / beloved.
The card read : !Giromancing is not Dead
The flowers looked healthy, it must be said,
Yellow daffodils not yet faded,
Perfect but for the plastic that had melted
In the extreme heat of a one-bar fire ;
Not very electrocute but all they could perspire to.
They were lovers (it was true)
Though it had taken a while to come through.
In the YOP Scheme of Things it seemed an age,
Like the time from signing on to the time you get paid.
'Twil be called TheGiromanceOfTheCentury ;
She was YTS but he was definitely CP (at least prospectively.)
It's hard to remember who picked up whom,
Who picked up what in which or what room,
For in the heat of it all things become blurred;
As blankets are ruffled emotions are stirred into action speak louder than words.
Eyes meet across the wardrobe, hands across the ceiling
Touch lightly, fingertipping
A hold
And screaming out : Don't drop the bleedin' thing on me toes!
And then a pause
Followed by a chest of drawers.
Beware! those blacksilkstockings falling loose
You creatures of co-habit, daring your noose.
'Til all is made safe
For The Inspector of Disgrace
To make that dreaded, early call
With a doleful knock at the door.
And, for appearance's sake,
One shared life is allowed to break (!but NOT to break up)
Sep a rate but not lured away
Into any false sense of socialsecurity.
With nose frustrated
The Keyhole Man leaves our giromancers elated,
Happy in their bed
To conceive their next giro cheque.
Ye Meltinn Sok
Me in YTS Klone
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