thanks slim
so i guess you'd like to know more about this jump from Jumpers to ! Jumpers! ?
well let's remember firstly that we live in a world where using the exclamation mark pays little or no heed to whether an exclamation has actually been tended !!!!
but notwithstanding this you'll assume quite reasonably that something dramatic must have happened (or continue to happen) for the old Jumpers to be transformed into the new !Jumpers ! . . . ... and so it did/does
okay so our colleague sineme t. lokyn suggests that all that spoken word and musical stuff performed at Jumpers should have a film shown as a backdrop
so lokyn brings in the tenant doesn't he? you ever seen the tenant slim ? by polanski ... or le locataire in the original french ?
well if i'd only known what it was like . . bloody lokyn .... i'll kill him i swear JH
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