Monday, 27 August 2012

                                                   Whiskers  ( 3 )
Eventually, after much comingandgoingandtoingandfroing with Handlebar and his  amour
after many sessions of raised voices, pulses, and expectations, it was on a night of feline indifference 
that matters came to a head twixt the medium and the chasing spirit.
Look ! my Love,  howled Moustach on that fateful evening,  I understand that you might not want to call yourself
Handlebarmoustach  any more  after all that has passed between us.   However, I will never forget the look you gave me on that terrible day when my life was extinguished by that fucking Finn!
The medium-who-might-have-been-called-Handlebarmoustach-in-less-trying-circumstances-but-who-would-(!inevitably)-come-to-be-called-Whiskers   withered in shock like a squashed panier.       
?There ..   at the Bulgarian's end ?  ..   But it was not possible !, surely !
Oh ! you were but(t) a child,   HM groaned on,   a small, forgetful child, frozen in time, who looked at me dying 
with such pain in their eyes.. and such care.
And as the spirit revealed his story, all those who witnessed the seance that evening were subjected to the most tragic re-enactment of events;  the retelling of which, many moons on, would still melt the stoniest of hearts and reduce many a medium to new measures of understanding.
In that retelling:  
Finnish coachman, floored cyclist, frozen child  ;  and a fevered cat, found captive in a bag that lay on the pavement, useful in cushioning Handlebar's fall though helpless to constrain the flow of his blood.
In Bulgaria, this memory of events is heightened by the remembrance of Handlebar Moustach, the greatest cyclist never to have lived, of course, but a man, above all;  a man who, despite gasping his last breath, still had the presence of mind to grasp from under his quivering body a bag, and from that bag to free a cat;  
a cat, black as night with ghost-white whiskers, which stood sure as a lush as it stared at the shaking man, before wheeling away past the wide-eyed child to a life of unconfined deception. 
                                                                                                               L ONE INSYTE (MK)

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