Thursday, 2 August 2012

                           Epic is dead  !!  Long live Epic

when the filmmaker with  ShallowGrave  under his belt presents us with his new work
where Daniel whisks away the queen in some  SpittingImage out-take
where David weights biblical credibility and claims the River like 
Julie Christie in  Don't!LookNow . .(... And You Can Ride My Valkyrie! )  
where british history (the good bits) is sluiced up          patronisingly-patriotically 
                              in the sanctimony of a sliced up  
                                                                       when that filmmaker presents that new work
where He doesn't know whether to laugh or cry
where we don't know whether to laugh or cry                     but
where we do know this:                                                          that
when we witness that new work         we know we're washed up in some aspect of Hell .

                                                       L.  SEMITYNN - KOE                                              

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