When ! HOLY JINGO !! went to Kelostemy Inn to report on Kolee ?Ynnit(ms) ' Maidenhead Speech
- see Kolee's Nipples (LXIX) - there was just ONE question on everyone's lips :
Why is Maidenhead at the top of everybody's holiday list
Why do Kolee's frozen nipples now adorn every electronic screen
known to Man ?
Well, the answer to THAT question on everyone's lips . . .
Maidenhead will be top of all lists of everything;
she be as much a stranger to bottom-listing as she be to listing bottoms.
As for Kolee's frozen nipples, there is this to say:
After The End of The World - as you'll recall - all screens known to man blacked out.
On reawakening, all screens were eternally fixed on a frozen image of Koo's severed head.
Well, this wore a tad thin after a while.
So we .. it was decided to replace the head with Bayjingo's nipples
(Bayjingo being Ms ?Ynnit's 4 year-old daughter.)
Our first thought at this point was to seek a second opinion;
thenceforth we . . . it was decided that it would be more "sensitive" to display different,
frozen nipples instead.
Henceforth, all screens show a frozen image of the nipples belonging to Kolee ?Ynnit(ms).
Is that clear ?
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