Saturday, 18 August 2012

                                  KOLEE'S NOBBLES
Is it just me?  but I'm rather confused.
I thought  LondonOlympics2012  was all over!
But I've had the TV on all this week, watched all the adverts,
and  TheOlympics  is still going on  . . !! .  .
Which is troubling.
Since  TEAMgb  has not increased her medal tally one iota !
So I can only suspect interference.
The IOC  must have taken seriously those allegations 
by the Frogs&Krauts  that we've been "cheating" (!!)  
and  so they're stripping us of medals !
                                                                      And then all is revealed !  !
I switch on the TV and there's a load of cripples hopping
about, crashing around in wheelchairs !! and such like .. 
OUR ATHLETES cut down in their prime .!.  spiked by
contaminated Graupensuppe  and viscous Frog vino .. !! .. 
I'll be bound .  . .
Well it's really not on      !    It just isn't sport,  by jingo
It's just not British         ! !
                                                         Monty Le Sinke

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