The first ever seance held at Kelostemy Inn welcomed an ageing medium known simply as Whiskers.
Attending the seance were all the usual suspects.
The medium got to be called ' Whiskers ' after their first encounter with the spirit world.
Which happened relatively late in Whiskers' life, or relatively early.
(An Encounter can provide acquaintance with dead relatives who have been specifically unacquainted with when alive.)
All of which meant that from that typical time when a baby is first named to Whiskers' first experience of
spirits, there was a welter of occasions for social embarrassment and confusion where the pre-Whiskers
child/adult bore no name, so could not call themselves or be called anything, quite simply ;
' Whiskers' had made a pact (with themselves) to take as their own the name of the first wandering soul
they would bump into personally.
That they ' knew ' (or reckoned 'to know' ) such a meeting was inevitable goes without praying.
And, with such, their gift was there for all to see and them to say.
As Whiskers would literally reiterate inveterately ,
. ... an apple tree bears fruit only when it is good and ready
If it took a long time for Whiskers to welcome goodness and readiness then so be it; that would be a cross to be borne.
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