KOO'S HEAD: I know how, when and where to die now, DB
DOC'S BED: Go on . . .
KH : Andalucia. . ... .The question being whether to w(h)ither on the w(h)ine
or whether - whatever the weather - just to wither rain or shine
DB : ? Bluntly
KH : To curl up with the QueerGenius with a bullet through the brain
Or let the sun in Spain fall manly, unmanly pain
DB : Lorca ?
KH : To die not on the winter solstice but in the days subsequent;
when the sun emerge from its gloomiest.
For Hope to raise her treasured head;
then, and only then, to shove it, sun-blind, where the sun don't shine . .
DB : You say it straight, KH on a plate
but to self-desecrate ? ... .. self defecate ? . .
KH : Self-dessicate !, DB .. Lorca . . all is possible !
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