Monday, 10 September 2012

 the 10 / 12  Kalamity   bring             the 10 / 12  Relevation           as we witness                T.E.O.T.W
If the 10th Debakle off  12th Yeare  falle on the Last Fridaye off  7th Monthe,
a stayt wille be declard that wille be knowne - forevere thus - as
                                   YE  DEATHE  OFF  IRONINGE                                         (THE DEATH OF IRONING)
At wiche pointe,  irons throughout the worlde will be strucke dumbe
and ironinge bords wille floundere,  not  in unnaturale conversation
                                                                butt  in eternale conflagratione
                                                And so it proved.
                                                                                                      The  10th Debakle  was.
As DannyBoyle proceeded to miss true British History by a country mile, 
people throughout the world took to  ironing  in a(n)  hilarious/ illarious   (sic)  
attempt to mitigate the tedium of   The Olympik Opening Ceremony ( London2012). 
In the event  - and in the conflagration -  such people became more and more hard-pressed 
to turn back the tide of History  
(even if  H  had already ended several times previously, ?remember )       
And, as such ,  TEoTW   (TheEndofTheWorld)   fast became as inevitable 
as an Irishman's burgeoning immortality                                                                          
                                                                                                                             KEYNNOTE / SKIN                                                                                               

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