hippographic oaf
the University of Life
was built
from prefab coconut sties
at a time - ! say it
before the Fantastic
when all was discreet shit.
UoL ( the University of Life )
had been planned for SiliconValley;
a perspex-plumbed hell.
Luckily for us
some tit cocked up the schemes
and, as all hills broke loose,
they decided uniquely
to re-site UoL
in Death Valley.
Here a successful
( if non-progressive) UoL
was eventual.
Events were staged
to cement prefab prowess :
UoL came of age.
Young and old, meek and bold
were there invited and incited,
thus told:
Students!, the old thinker /
logician divide
is but a no-brainer.
As of now Left Campus will be home
to those who see
in monochrome.
Right Campus on the other hand
will house those
who take a wide-screen stand.
Bridging both, The HippoCampus
which welcome all
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