Tuesday, 31 January 2012

                                                                               Sunday 29/1/12

  ? why have a flasher when you can have a haberdasher?
                the lisp-hewed haberdasher
                              sew (tho)   cold
                              as a thimble of devotion;
                             the other haberdasher
                                        love   bold, 
                     with cymbals-full of emotion
                                                                              NYLON SEEMKIT

Doc enters, shouldering a heavy bag of lime
      DOC:  Well, Koo, haven't seen you for a while.
       KOO:  No.   (looking at lime bag)  I see you made it to Kolin Seyment's  Lime Dancing class.
       DOC:  Yes.  I take it you didn't then ......
       KOO:  It would seem not. 

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