8/1/12 SUNDAY
Notes on Doc (well no, it's about me to be honest .... )
Go to Lidl to read the sunday rags. First time I've read the papers since England won the WorldCup.
Oddly - in that it's 45 years past its shelf life - TheSundayExpress of July1st, 1966 (day after England's historic victory
at Wembley) sit there bold as brass, and with Hurstian irony. Its front page bangs on a bit about England's famous 4-2 win, but what really catches my eye is a separate story, concerning some "hostages".
Two words particularly stick in my noddle : . . twelve held ...
That's nothing to write home about I hear you say.
Well, I happen to know for a fact that Siegfried (Siggy) Held did not wear the no.12 shirt in that momentous match.
And this is confirmed by Motsyn-Lineke , standing alongside me in Lidl :
For those not acquainted with world cup parlance
. . . Held held the number 10 (shirt) ..
You see.
Thus revealing how little we can trust the press.
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