Wednesday, 18 January 2012

In the visitors' lounge of  (onaDailybasis)TheHoley&ToothySkunk   lurk two shadowy figures , facing each other:  Pastor Henry Frog and Sikment Loyne.

FROG:  I didn't expect to see you, Loyne.
LOYNE: I am the owner of this rag, Pastor, after all.
FROG :  (cautious)   We didn't know whether you were dead or alive.
LOYNE: (smiling)  You can never be too sure.
FROG:   ?So is that a yes or a  .. (pauses       a bee buzzes close by       Frog watches )   .. so that's a maybe?, then.  
            (bee buzzing still     . . .  Frog insistent now)  Would that be a maybe?
LOYNE: Well spotted!, Frog.    (indicating to the bee) I see you've retained a keen interest in our insect friends  
            then.  That is indeed a may-bee, a unique hybrid of the mayfly and honey bee.  There aren't many  ...
FROG:  (jumping in)   . . One in the eye for god, eh?      And more power to the elbow of Darwin. (chuckles)
LOYNE: Hmmm ..   and how is your canoeist chum these days?
FROG:  (distracted)   ? Mmmm
LOYNE: Your pal.  John Darwin.  Canoe Man
FROG:  I'd hardly call him a friend, Sikment.
LOYNE: Thats as maybe.  (bee buzzing       ... pauses)   However I do sense you have something to tell me.
FROG:  (hesitant)  Look, whatever I'm about to say is in the strictest confidence, understand?  (looking around the 
           space, anxious,     and as if for buzzing bee)   It must stay within these walls.
LOYNE: (brusquely)  That goes without saying, Henry.    

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