Monday, 2 January 2012

     NEW YEAR'S EVE  2011

Lt. Monkeiesyne gather the troops. The Usual Suspects collected. Which we watch - !again.  Mock surprise that 'Verbal' Kint (Spacey) be the baddie, tho' (Oli) Semen-Kynt - no relation apparently - think the finger still point to Meryl Streep.
We have to agree.
Looking around at all the spooky faces, Kolee ?Ynnit(Ms) remark that  . .  its a bit like that film  ?innit  y'know where alan wicker dies and that ninas surounded  by 'im and all his mates whov snufft it . . oh!?wot wazit now .. oh yeah  Trudi Maddy Deepfat  (innit)    
Here Sikment Loyne rejoin:  That was an early Beeb cookshow, girl.  Take 3 Birds  .. hosted by
Dr. Freud!!      Loyne cracks up at his own joke.     (Sineme T) Lokyn sits shaking his nut.
We have to agree.

Missing the Doc, actually.

Monkiesyne call us to order.  Tells us we're here to back The Hole Tooth's backing of Bradley Manning for Nobel Peace Prize (2011.)     This is a clear case of Us and Them,   M remark    for what They prize is Manning in pieces.   Kloset Ennymi nod approval.       
!Call us old fashioned    butt in Stinky Ole Men   but you're in the military, lieutenant.   Surely  . . .
        Didn't do Qaddafi much good!?did it    M reply    Nor for that matter that nutter in the Gulf.   
Silence.  Furtive glances.      . .   SCHWARZKOPF !               Silence.  Furtive glances.
Moneytinkle pipes up:   That hair care dood ?          YeSilentMonk sign   hair force general.       All titter.
Loyne in hysterics - !again  . . .   Dr. Freud!!

Vote to support Bradley unanimous, except for ?Ynnit's dissenting voice:  wot i dont get right is why a cyklist geeza should get a 'no bell' prize (innit) which presublament meens - if i aint a dutchman - hes bin ridin his bike with no bell ?! wots that teech the kids right
The Chav 'N Daze  tribute band  MyStolenNike  touch burberry, in respekt.
Kolee, let me stop you there!  the lieutenant insists   . . . What we're talking about here, Ms ?Ynnit,  
is the NOBEL prize . .  Bradley Manning NOT Bradley Wiggins!!
!Yeah   right !   shout the Chav 'N Daze tribute band.
Meeting close.  As folk drift away, there is a makeshift performance of  that rabbit habit  by MyStolenNike
and YeSilentMonk.
Outside a very late christmas caroller straggler sing  If I were a bell  by Keith Jarrett.
? Or were they early

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